Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Turkey Day here in the 'States, which means a lot of people are either going to be stuffing their faces with stuffing here soon.

I'm going to be stuffing my face with my family and then going to work (I'm getting paid double, who am I to complain?). My son's gonna have a blast with his Grandie while I man the phone lines. If you have DishNET Wireline as your ISP, call in to threaten to cancel and say hi :)

This Grunge look has been really popular lately, if you've been watching Pinterest. I liked it, but then i got bored of the one-direction and threw in some side-slashes. Now I love it. Honestly, I'm not a huuuuge fan of browns and oranges and gold so I'm not 100% sold on it, but it is pretty.

After struggling with my camera for a few hundred pics, I just went with my old cell phone... It seriously has a better camera on it than my Nikon, which I can NOT for the life of me get to take pics that are up-close. So frustrating! I honestly think it's broken. *sigh*

ANYWAYS I hope you Americans enjoy your holiday! Eat, drink, and be merry!


I feel that Thanksgiving is a time to be together as a family. Retailers should NOT be forcing their employees to work today. Me working today is totally voluntary, I requested it, as did my coworkers. I will NOT be shopping until after Thanksgiving is over, even if I have to pay full price for the items I'm keeping my eye on (I'll probably go nuts at Cyber Monday too). It's called Black FRIDAY, and in my opinion, that means it STAYS ON FRIDAY. 

I also feel Christmas should stay out of November, but I think that's because I'm a December baby.